Welcome back, everyone, to the next in this ongoing series of tutorials. This week, based on several requests, we're going to take a look at the Haradrim!
Similar to the Rohirrim, warriors of Harad have a strong central colour scheme, this time of brass, black and dark red. Here, we'll be looking at how to tie this core palette together across the model, using things like using red washes on the brass, and bringing in black to shade the red cloth, to create a really strong, unified final appearance. I've seen people use both dark blue and purple as a third, spot colour on Haradrim fabric alongside the black and red. Here, I've gone for a dark reddish-pink, again to try and keep the various tones of the model consistent. Anyway, without further ado, let's crack on!
Bronze armour and gems
1. Basecoat Warplock Bronze
2. Wash with Carroburg Crimson
3. Layer Retributor Armour
4. Edge highlight 50/50 Retributor Armour / Stormhost Silver
5. OPTIONAL: Spot highlights with pure Stormhost Silver on the sharpest edges
6. Basecoat gems with Sotek Green
7. Layer most of the gem Temple Guard Blue, leaving a small amount of Sotek in the lower right corner
8. Edge highlight the upper edges with 50/50 Temple Guard Blue / White Scar, leaving a small amount of both previous layers showing
9. Place a small dot of White Scar in the top left and lower right corners
Darker skin and grey facial hair
1. Basecoat skin 50/50 Bugmans Glow / Rhinox Hide
2. Layer skin with pure Bugmans Glow
3. Highlight raised areas with 50/50 Bugmans Glow / Flayed One Flesh
4. Spot highlight the most raised points (nose, cheeks etc) with pure Flayed One Flesh
5. Basecoat beard Dawnstone
6. Highlight beard with Grey Seer
7. Paint eyes with White Scar
8. Carefully dot in the pupils with Abaddon Black
Red cloth
1. Basecoat red areas with a mix of 50/50 Rhinox Hide / Khorne Red
2. Layer over pure Khorne red, leaving only the deepest recesses undercoated
3. Layer 50/50 Khorne Red / Evil Sunz Scarlet over most raised areas
4. Layer pure Evil Sunz Scarlet, over an even smaller area
5. Edge highlight with 50/50 Evil Sunz Scarlet / Trollslayer Orange
6. OPTIONAL: Spot highlight pure Trollslayer Orange on the sharpest folds
Dark red / purple cloth
1. Basecoat the fabric with a 25/75 mix of Abaddon Black / Khorne Red
2. Layer Khorne red, leaving the basecoat in the deepest folds
3. Broad edge highlight with 25/75 Khorne Red / Flayed One Flesh
4. Thin edge highlights of 50/50 Khorne Red /Flayed One Flesh on the sharpest edges
Black cloth
1. Undercoat all black areas Abaddon Black, and then basecoat with 50/50 Abaddon Black / Mechanicus Standard Grey, leaving the undercoat only in recesses
2. Layer Mechanicus Standard Grey across the raised areas
3. Edge Highlight with Dawnstone
4. Spot highlight 50/50 Dawnstone / Grey seer on the sharpest edges
5. OPTIONAL: Paint thin scratches across the fabric with Dawnstone
6. OPTIONAL: Sponge on Baneblade brown to simulate dirt and dust
Final touches
1. Basecoat wrappings and straps Baneblade Brown
2. Layer with Rakarth Flesh
3. Edge highlight Wraithbone
4. Basecoat brown leather with Rhinox Hide
5. Layer 50/50 Rhinox Hide / Mournfang Brown
6. Edge highlight pure Mournfang Brown
And there we go! A finished Warrior of Harad, ready to join the legions of the Dark Lord. Please do let me know what you think, and also which army you'd like to see next!
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